How to Make Your House Smell Like Christmas

Nothing beats a house full of Christmasy smells : cinnamon and spice, vanilla, citrus, and pine trees. This simmers on the stove, filling your home with a delicious and fragrant scent that perfumes the air. I like to put it on before guests come over or just keep it simmering on the stove all day.


·      3 tangerines clementines or oranges

·      3 cinnamon sticks or 1 Tablespoon ground cinnamon

·      1 teaspoon ground cloves

·      1 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg

·      3 star anise

·      1 vanilla bean or 1 tablespoon vanilla extract

·      a few branches of fresh pine

·      water 

Using a medium sized pot, combine all the ingredients. I like to zest the oranges and break a few of the pine branches to release more of the scent. Fill the pot a little more than halfway with water. Simmer. 

It is easy to reuse the next day, as you can just add a little more water. Enjoy!