Planning Ahead
Rules and Resolution are always hard to keep up, but setting a few realistic expectations is a nice way to reset the year. Here are mine for 2016!
01. Clean Out | I had a major clean out of all of my products in December and can I tell you what a relief it has been? Throwing out old, past gone products, while filling up 3 boxes with stuff to give away to my sister and friends. It made me pair down to the things I truly love and discover a few old favorites. I am a 'less is more,' kind of person, but I know many people aren't. If you can get into that mentality, you will realize how freeing it is to have thins paired down and organized to tackle the daily grind. Whether it is going through your closet, kitchen, even your car (something I need to get better at,) regular clean outs are a must!
02. Schedule | Scheduling things is definitely a lifesaver. I know some bloggers who have their posts planned for months ahead of time. I like to schedule my blog posts for the week, shoots, and what I am . This year, I have this beautiful leather planner from blogger, With Love from Kat's collection, in collaboration with Gigi New York. I love the monogram!
03. Stress Less | We are definitely a society of worriers and stressers, I know I am. It is hard not to get caught up in this fast paced, technology driven world. But it is important to prioritize. Be ON when you need to be ON, and decompress on your off time. I love being able to disconnect from my phone for a few hours and be a little more present. For an instant solution, I am on to my next bottle of La Natura Anti-Stress Therapy- roll on to pulse points and temples, also into palms, rub hands together, and breathe in. It's the best!
04. Cook More | Cooking is one of my most favorite things. Lately, I haven't been making the time for it as much and I am really missing it. Going to farmers markets and knowing what goes into your food is really the ultimate health rule. Lately, I have been loving anything asian. Next on my list of things to make is Vietnamese Pho.
05. Video Content | Many of you know I have a YouTube Channel. I love it because that is where I get to interact with you the most. Hopefully you checked out my most recent one, Get Ready With Me | Weekend Edition. These take a lot of time and planning, but I really enjoy making them. I am always open to hearing your suggestions of things you would like to see!