Lavender Honey Gin cocktail
In the spirit of warm weather days ahead, a little cocktail inspiration for you! I am not a big hard alcohol person, but lately I have been really enjoying a gin cocktail. This recipe which is often called "The Bee's Knees," is especially delicious because of the citrus and the honey and very easy to make. I have been taking a bee-keeping class the last few months, which has been truly fascinating, so hopefully one day I will be making these cocktail with honey from my very own bees!
• 1 1/2 oz gin
• 1 oz fresh lemon juice
• 3/4 oz lavender honey syrup
Place ingredients in a cocktail shaker, shake, strain, and serve over ice. Garnish with a fresh lavender sprig.
Lavender Honey Syrup
• 1 cup water
• 1 cup honey
• 1 ounce dried lavender
Combine water and honey in a saucepan. Bring to a boil. Allow to simmer for 15 minutes. Add dried lavender and allow it to steep until cool. Strain simple syrup. (NOTE: if you don't have dried lavender, you can eliminate for a honey simple syrup.)