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Birthdays are a funny thing. I have mixed feelings about them as they come and go but once a year, yet it is celebrating another year of life. This year I reflect on the woman I am working towards becoming .
When I started my blog, I used it as a creative outlet because I felt like I had many things I wanted to share. Whether it was something small like a friend asking me for my most favorite nude lipstick or creating a vision through imagery. I felt like I had information to pass on but not only that, it fed my constant yearning to learn. So this year I have realized the most important thing, I would like to continue to have and maybe the secret to life? Curiosity! For me that feeds my life, my soul, and my interests. I love constantly learning, seeing, doing. I would like 2015 to be a year of new experiences, seeing new places, tasting and cooking new foods, and continue my unwavering love of all things beauty and fashion, connecting and interacting with readers, and to do something meaningful for others.
Thank you for visiting my little site and driving me to accomplish all I want to accomplish.