Out with the old and in with the new. Looking ahead to 2017 and wondering what it will hold. I decided to jot down a few resolutions in the spirit of the new year.
Happy, happy, happy new year!
I have been working on a facelift to my site forever now, I am really trying to encapsulate a look that represents my current aesthetic and style. This will include a new logo that will hopefully be used for all branding here on out. I would also love to do more video content. A feature on my YouTube channel was disabled and I have been working to get it fixed. But in the mean time, I would love to do some more How-To, Recipe, and Favorite’s videos. Suggestions welcome.
Exercise. Boo, hiss! Honestly, not my favorite thing to do, and yet I get the importance of it blah blah blah. My favorite is a core fusion class offered at Exhale. I know everyone sets their fitness goals as soon as the new year rolls around, so what the heck, so will I. Also cook more! My favorite, therapeutic thing to do. I love going to a farmers market, gathering local ingredients and making delicious comfort food.
I would really like to travel some more this year. To new places such as Morocco or Spain, or old favorites like France and England.
Living in the moment. Making conversation, taking notice of your surroundings, laughing with friends, without everyone glued to their devices. Be present.