Grapefruit Honey Thyme Cocktail

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A simple and refreshing cocktail recipe that was inspired by my flowering thyme. I love the sweet and bitter taste of grapefruit paired with the botanical taste of gin, with the thyme lending it’s herbaceousness and acting as a beautiful garnish. The perfect springtime cocktail!


  • 2 ounces grapefruit juice

  • 1/2 ounce gin

  • 1 teaspoon thyme simple syrup

  • 4 ounces Pellegrino, or sparkling water


Thyme Simple Syrup : Bring 1/2 cup honey, 1/2 cup water, and 2 sprigs of thyme to a simmer, until sugar dissolves.

Pour grapefruit juice, gin, and syrup into the glass over ice. Add the pellegrino and stir. Garnish with sprigs of thyme.

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