Posts in Beauty
The Summer Beauty Edit

With full bikini weather upon us, there are a few steps I like to do to prep for summer. Beauty is my first love and at the core of that is healthy skin and hair. With summer comes stronger rays of sun, salt water and chlorine, all taking a toll on your body. Ultimately I want tan, smooth, glowing skin. I mean who doesn't, am I right? 

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The Daily Face Edit

At this point, I have my beauty routine down to a science. While it is fun to experiment with different looks, everyone needs a go-to daily routine. Some of these products I have truly used for years and years and repurchased tens of times.  But I thought it would be fun to share my start to finish daily routine and how I may moderate it for the evening. 

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Winter Glow Routine

Cooler temperatures, central heating makes for havoc on skin and hair.  In my case, skin is dehydrated and dry and yet still having the occasional breakout. Hair becomes brittle and lackluster. I have been enjoying a few products that make up my winter beauty routine to help reverse the effects.

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